Join Tamara at her home in Nicasio, CA at the 1871 Historic School House property, for an 8-hour intimate, guided day of healing.

Healing Session
Choose between a 90-minute healing session including acupuncture and apitherapy or a bee product facial.

Garden Meal
Enjoy a home-cooked meal prepared by Tamara with ingredients straight from her garden.

Beebed Session
An opportunity to experience a wondrous connection to the honeybees inside a beebed.

Explore a Hive
Put on a bee suit and get a close-up look into a beehive.

Pollinator Plants
Learn about the pollinator plants which support the honeybee.

Sauna Session
Experience the longevity practices of increasing circulation through guided sauna and cold plunge rituals.

Honey Tasting
Sample a taste of honey from local beekeepers and Tamara’s garden hives.

Cob Oven Pizza
Enjoy a freshly-baked treat from Tamara’s hand-built cob oven.
At this time we can accommodate groups no larger than 4 people.
Bee suits will be supplied.